ITS - Thyroid Nodule Survey

Registration Closed

Full name

Email Id

Mobile No.

Select what best describes you


Which one of the following best describes your practice?


Please state the geographic location in which you practice


Do you take care of patients with nodular thyroid disease


Which one of the following best represents your initial approach to a patient with a solitary thyroid nodule and normal TSH?

Additional imaging

If the answer to question 5 was NOT Ultrasound thyroid which one of the following best describes your next step


Ultrasound scoring system

Do you perform the Ultrasound yourself

Do you use a scoring system for thyroid ultrasound

Which USG based scoring system do you use


Please provide reasons for use of the scoring system



Which of the following best describes your choice of patient for a Fine needle aspiration cytology

In patients with low risk feature of malignancy (eg ACR TIRADS 2) on USG which one of the following best describes your practice

In patients with intermediate or high risk features of malignancy (eg ACR TIRADS 4 or above) with sub centimetric dimensions which one of the following best describes your practice



In patients with low risk cytology (bethesda 2) which one of the following best describes your practice

In patients with indeterminate cytology (bethesda 3 or 4) which one of the following best describes your approach

Optional space for comment explanations etc.